Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I believe each person should be able to decide for themselves if they want to live or not to live. I also believe in the quote, “The right to live is also the right to a peaceful and dignified passing.” I believe in that because it really should be the persons’ choice if they live or not. They lived their entire life how they wanted to so why should they not choose to end it? This initiative is offering people a choice; no one is being forced to kill themselves. I do not see anything wrong with improving pain management with a patient. The Initiative will also provide patients with a sense of control and peace of mind. For example, I-1000 mirrors the Oregon Death with Dignity Act. Even after ten years the Oregon law has been upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court and approved twice by voters. The most significant impact of the Death with Dignity Act in Oregon has been to improve the care for all dying patients who have the choice to live or die. I like the law and rules that will take place with I-1000, also known as, Washington’s Death with Dignity. “There are multiple safeguards in Washington’s death with dignity law. These safeguards include independently witnessed oral and written requests, two waiting periods, mental competency and prognosis confirmed by two physicians, and self-administration of the medication. Only the patient – and no one else – may administer the medication.”

“Washington’s Death with Dignity safeguards:

The patient must be at least 18 years old

The patient must be a resident of the state of Washington

The patient must be terminally ill - not disabled, but diagnosed as terminally ill

The terminally ill patient must have 6 months or less to live, as verified by two physicians

Three requests for Death with Dignity must be made (two verbal and one written)

Two physicians must verify the mental competence of the terminally ill patient

The request must be made voluntarily, without coercion, as verified by two physicians

The terminally ill patient must be informed of all other options, including palliative care, pain management and hospice care

There is a 15 day waiting period between the first oral request and the written request

There is a 48 hour waiting period between the written request and the writing of the prescription

The terminally ill patient's written request must be independently witnessed, by two people, at least one of whom is not related to the patient or employed by the health care facility

The terminally ill patient is encouraged to discuss their decision with family (not required because of confidentiality laws)

Only the terminally ill patient may self-administer the medication

The patient may change their mind at any time”

With the I-1000 safeguards it lets the ill patient make a decision for themselves. One important difference I find very interesting is that the term “assisted suicide” is different than the scientific term euthanasia. Euthanasia is when a person is in a vegetable state and another agent, or loved one, gives the authority for a doctor to “pull the plug.” I also believe in euthanasia. I believe that every person should talk to their loved ones or even their lawyers so that just in case if anything happens they can be ready. No place in the United States supports Euthanasia. Two countries, Netherlands and Belgium are the only two in the world that support Euthanasia. Since Oregon is the only state in the United States I believe that people should look at the statistics to make legislation in each state. I do not believe that this bill will ever get to the Supreme Court and be made a law passed by the President. I believe that it should be passed by the President because every state in our country should have similar laws. In most cases people are moving to Oregon so they can fall under the Death with Dignity Act. I think that it would be beneficial for Washington State to pass this as a law so that we can be supportive to the people who decide their life should be over.

I understand that some people, mostly religious groups, believe “we are mortal, so from the moment we are conceived, we are journeying towards eventual death and any purposeful actions we take to end our lives early is categorically suicide.” Which means that if you are living, no matter what your conditions are, and you kill yourself, or use drugs to kill yourself, you are committing suicide. Part of me does believe. But, if you fully believe in that good for you, you can. That doesn’t mean other people can’t be pro-choice and choose for themselves. Being religious and believing in God you are supposed to be worshiping God and helping him. Helping him is helping other people. Voting yes for I-1000 would help other people end their life that they are not enjoying because they are terminally ill.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Department Speech

Alyse Henkel
As your President in 2008 I will assure you our education will be at the highest it has ever been. With other countries trying to produce a higher education outcome then what the United States has brought forth I believe that we need to raise our education to format to the working class. I will make college affordable for all Americans by creating a new American Opportunity Tax Credit. This universal and fully refundable credit will ensure that the first $4,000 of a college education is completely free for most Americans, and will cover two-thirds the cost of tuition at the average public college or university and make community college tuition completely free for most students. Recipients of the credit will be required to conduct 100 hours of community service. I believe that everyone should work for their own education to make our country a better place. I believe that living in America gives people the freedom and chances that they need. I believe that children should not have to worry about the expense. They should just be able to find themselves not fighting for a spot in the global economy.

I agree with public education and believe it is the family’s choice to put their children in public or private school. I will give an equal amount of funding to both public and private schools.

The U.S. used to rank first in the world in the number of young people with a postsecondary degree; now we have fallen to seventh. This is not because our young people do not try, but because too many do not graduate. I believe we need to prepare our high school students to take college level classes. We cannot ensure we’re ready for the economic challenges of the 21st century if our schools and learning systems are firmly planted in the 20th century. Today, the information economy is revolutionizing every area of our lives, but too many schools do not have access to these critical resources. I believe we must put together technology and its range of applications into all our nation’s schools so that we go beyond the start that educational technology just means specialization in technology.

I also like The Obama-Biden education plan and I know it will prepare and reward our teachers by creating a Career Ladder Initiative that will offer federal dollars to states and districts that design innovative recruitment and reward systems that line up with the following principles:
• More pay for expert veteran teachers who serve as mentors and coaches.
• More incentives and opportunities for teachers to improve knowledge and skills.
• More pay for excellent classroom teaching that supports student learning and achievement.
• More pay for highly-qualified teachers who teach in underserved schools and underserved subjects like math, science and special education.

Thursday, September 25, 2008



1. “Having the deepest housing recession in a generation, bank failures, a sinking dollar, $4 gasoline, and an economy bleeding jobs.”

2. Economic and foreign policy crises will be the biggest challenges for the new president since Herbert Hoover left office during the depression. That is significant because that is like saying we are going to go into a depression.

Bushes budgets have added $1.7 trillion to the national debt. This is significant because the national debt rises every single day.

In 2000, 89 percent of Americans said the economy was doing well. Now in 2008 82 percent say the economy is doing badly. I find that interesting because the high end was in the beginning of Bush’s presidency and now that he is almost done the high end is telling us the economy is bad.
Education ranks sixth in the voters “important issues.” I find this interesting because you always hear people say the kids and the next generation. That is the generation we need to focus on to make the United States and the world a better place but people are more concerned if “illegal aliens” are coming into the U.S. just to get that better education.

Oil prices have set records due to global demand and tensions in the Middle East. I think the key phrase in that sentence is “tensions in the Middle East.” The only reason there is tension is because of our military troops being deported over there and causing the tension.
Many economists think that a recession will begin later this year and continue into the first quarter of 2009. I find this very interesting because I see that as a possibility with how the United States is right now.

3. One example: “fundamental change isn’t likely under Bush.” That is bias because it is not a fact about Bush it is an opinion.
Second example: “The list of problems facing the nation means that campaign promises will likely be put on hold while the president focuses on more immediate concerns, especially the economy.” The author used his opinion on this quote because he doesn’t know for a fact that this will happen.

4. Obama

Reason one: His education stance is more reasonable. It states that he is going to change the no child left behind law so that we’re not just teaching to a test and crowding out programs like art and music.

Reason two: His thoughts about gay marriage don’t include religion which is what people want. People came to the United States so that they could be free.

Reason three: Making wealthier families have higher taxes makes sense to me. The people with higher money income should have to pay more.

Monday, September 15, 2008

Presidential Campain Speech

Hello, my name is Franklin Pierce. I have run before in 1853 and was elected as the 14th president. I was 49 years old and I served one four-year term. I was not reelected in 1858 so I am running now in 2008. I graduated from Bowdoin College in 1824 and became a lawyer. Politics was always a high quality in my family since my father was a two-term governor of New Hampshire. Before the age of thirty I had served in the New Hampshire legislature and had been elected to the U.S. Congress. There I served as both a congressman and senator. I soon developed a drinking problem that I regret now but when I met my wife I became a happier person. I married Jane Means Appleton in 1834. She didn’t live with me in Washington. Even after I became president she didn’t want to live in Washington. She disliked the atmosphere of the political life. In 1841 I resigned from the Senate because I wanted to spend more time with my family. Soon I felt like I needed to serve my nation and I fought in the Mexican-American War. Then in 1853 I was elected President at a time of tension between the North and South.

It is true that I was one of the least favorite presidents but I created more territory in nation, which is now the United States. I came into presidency at a time when decisions needed to be made. Land was being divided up, slavery was still happening, and wars were happening. While I was president trade in Central America and Asia was expanded, and additional land was bought from Mexico. I also started debate on purchasing Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, Nicaragua, Formosa, the Dominican Republic, the Guano islands of the Pacific, and Cuba. I created the territory of Arizona and settled the dispute between Mexico and America. I also settled a fishery question that was brought up between the trading routes. I clear up all tension with peace.

During my term, slavery was the largest issue at hand. I was a Northerner who was pro-South. I considered slavery a social and political evil I believed that the issue should be decided by the individual states, and as President it was my job to enforce the nation's laws. I created the The Kansas-Nebraska bill, which was controversial. People in the north did not agree because The Missouri Compromise, which had drawn a line across the country and said that slavery was banned anywhere north of that line was still in effect. When the Civil War occurred, if you were seen as pro-South at any time in your life you were seen as a traitor to the nation. You were also seen as someone who helped bring the war. That is the reason people didn’t like me as president.

When I take the time to think about my presidency I think about the suffered tragedy in my personal life with all three of my children dying and as president that made decisions which were criticized gave me the reputation as one of the worst presidents in U.S. history. I have been told I have good looks and an easy personality which caused me to make many friends which helped with my presidency and peacemaking. I played an active role in trying to improve the welfare of the country at the time. I also rebuilt the Navy replacing sailing ships with steam ships, increased the size of the Army, and gave its soldiers modern rifles. I believe I had an impact on the country's economy. My personal reputation was a good one. "He was one of the most honest Presidents we had in the 19th century. There was not a single scandal of corruption or embezzlement (fraud) in the Pierce administration," says Simões. "Three of his cabinet members were considered among the five best cabinet members of the century," adds Wallner. The people liked me as President. Maybe not the choices I made, but they liked me.

I want to get re-elected for President because I want to change the world and economy today. Some topics that are important to people in the world today include, the war in Iraq, the environment, foreign policy, healthcare, immigration, and social security. I will start off with social security because that is what our nation is having trouble with the most. National debt is raising higher and higher every second creating taxes to raise and social security to lower. During my previous presidency I was an important key in improving welfare in the country. I believe that every person should have the right to get social security because they have been paying for someone else’s social security their entire adult lives.

War in Iraq is a lose-lose situation. The Iraqis are not getting a better government, which is the reason President Bush sent troops over to the Middle East in the first place. And America is losing in this fight too. Yes, we are the strongest military unit in the world, but how many more men and women can we possibly lose? Yes, I realize that the Civil War was partially blamed on me but the Civil War that happened in America only included America. No other countries. As of September 14, 2007, just over a year ago, 36 countries were included into the War in Iraq. The causalities in Iraq consist of Iraqi civilians and in second place is a tie between Iraqi soldiers and American soldiers. The war in Iraq needs to stop and the only way to do that is to create peace and stop using weapons.

Immigration is an on going process that started in 1907 with the US Immigration Act. This included reorganization of the states bordering Mexico into Mexican Border District to stem the flow of immigrants into the United States. Now there is a wall on the Mexican border. If we have a wall there why don’t we have a wall to Canada? The United States came together as one after all of the battles we fought against each other. Americans consist of Canadians, United States citizens, and Mexicans. The Canadians and Mexicans should be welcome but we have to set some sort of rules. People cannot live in any country illegally. Papers must be signed and people must live as a citizen of the country they live in.

The United States is the richest country in the world in books. When it comes to reality the United States of America has poverty. Almost everywhere. People are starving, poor, and living on the streets. America’s healthcare needs to change. American citizens die everyday because of no healthcare while living in the country that is supposed to make them be in the land of the free and the home of the brave. I don’t think we are making America a very healthy place to live. If we create a healthcare plan that is a good balance between a persons total income of salary and what they need in regards of healthcare. Then the healthcare could benefit the people who don’t have money and the people that do have money.

Started out with factories and power plants, now it’s global warming? Global warming is infrared radiation that heats up the planet with the greenhouse effect. The only way to effectively slow down the process of global warming is by cutting down carbon emissions. We can use Photovoltaic Panels, Wind Turbines, Domestic and Commercial Solar Hot Water Heating, and Hybrid Solar Air Conditioning.

Remember to re-elect me, Franklin Pierce. I promise you I am the best.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Blog #1 Blogger Rules

Blogger Rules
1. If you want to write your opinion on a topic, make sure you're not going
to be offensive to anyone as you write it.
2. Do not link to your personal blog/journal from your school blog; you might reveal information on there that you don't want to reveal on your school blog.
3. Please, no last names, school names or addresses.
4. Always make sure you check over your post for spelling errors, grammar errors, and your use of words.
5. Make sure things you write about are factual. Don't be posting about things that aren't true.
6. Don't write about other people without permission; if you can't get their permission, use first names only. Never share someone elses last name.
7. Never disrespect someone else in your blog, whether it's a person, an organization, or just a general idea. You don't want someone making a stab at what you are passionate about; don't do it to someone else.
8. Watch your language! We're not at home, we are at school, this has to be at least remotely professional looking.
9. Keep it education-oriented. That means that you probably shouldn't discuss your plans for the weekend.

I chose the rule 'if you are going to write your opinion on a topic, make sure you are not going to be offensive to anyone as you write it.' I think when you read something someone wrote and it is offensive to you it makes you not want to keep reading because it brought you down. It also makes me question whether I should read another blog by this person.