Thursday, September 25, 2008



1. “Having the deepest housing recession in a generation, bank failures, a sinking dollar, $4 gasoline, and an economy bleeding jobs.”

2. Economic and foreign policy crises will be the biggest challenges for the new president since Herbert Hoover left office during the depression. That is significant because that is like saying we are going to go into a depression.

Bushes budgets have added $1.7 trillion to the national debt. This is significant because the national debt rises every single day.

In 2000, 89 percent of Americans said the economy was doing well. Now in 2008 82 percent say the economy is doing badly. I find that interesting because the high end was in the beginning of Bush’s presidency and now that he is almost done the high end is telling us the economy is bad.
Education ranks sixth in the voters “important issues.” I find this interesting because you always hear people say the kids and the next generation. That is the generation we need to focus on to make the United States and the world a better place but people are more concerned if “illegal aliens” are coming into the U.S. just to get that better education.

Oil prices have set records due to global demand and tensions in the Middle East. I think the key phrase in that sentence is “tensions in the Middle East.” The only reason there is tension is because of our military troops being deported over there and causing the tension.
Many economists think that a recession will begin later this year and continue into the first quarter of 2009. I find this very interesting because I see that as a possibility with how the United States is right now.

3. One example: “fundamental change isn’t likely under Bush.” That is bias because it is not a fact about Bush it is an opinion.
Second example: “The list of problems facing the nation means that campaign promises will likely be put on hold while the president focuses on more immediate concerns, especially the economy.” The author used his opinion on this quote because he doesn’t know for a fact that this will happen.

4. Obama

Reason one: His education stance is more reasonable. It states that he is going to change the no child left behind law so that we’re not just teaching to a test and crowding out programs like art and music.

Reason two: His thoughts about gay marriage don’t include religion which is what people want. People came to the United States so that they could be free.

Reason three: Making wealthier families have higher taxes makes sense to me. The people with higher money income should have to pay more.

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